Jewel writes on many subjects including history, theology, music, virtuous womanhood, as well as commenting on current books she is reading. In all she seeks to glorify God and apply lessons from history to life in the 21st century.

December 31, 2011


Must we go right past my old abode? Seventeen-year-old Malchus thought as he followed the priest’s horse, carrying his bags.
Malchus didn’t even want to remember the days when he lived in Bethsaida. Sometimes, however he did lie in his cot gazing at the stars and pretended to be back home. But now the memory brought too much pain. As he passed the house, with its vine covered fence bordering the clay cottage he could imagine his little sister calling to him through the vines. He was only twelve back then and every evening, as he returned home from studying at the temple his little eight-year-old sister would welcome him at the gate. He remembered how happy life had been back then until…he could hardly bear the thought. His father’s wine crop was ruined bringing dept unto the household. Creditors took every thing, including his young sister as a slave. He had never seen her again but he could still see the hurt in her eyes. Soon after he was taken to Theophulous the priest to serve for five years. Now he didn’t even know when his time was finished. He never thought to keep track.
His thoughts were interrupted as they reached their destination. A large crowd of people flocked the open square. In the middle was a man, dressed in a plain white robe. Theophulous pushed through the crowd, ignoring the poor and sick that scrambled to get away.
“Teacher,” he said. “We know you are true, and teach the way of God truth; nor do you care about anyone, for you do not regard the person of men Tell us therefore, what do you think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
Jesus didn’t flinch but answered as one not ashamed or afraid. When he spoke Malchus was amazed. He spoke with authority. As for Theophulous however, he was only pretending to honor Jesus. The topic came up all the time at the temple on how to get rid of him. Malchus didn’t know what to think. If these priests hate him, shouldn’t I. But on the other hand I sure know how wicked these men are. They pretend to be good but at home they don’t do what they preach if they even preach any thing well at all.
Jesus’ words caught his attention, “Why do you test me, you hypocrites? Show me the tax money.”
“Whose image and inscription is this?”
“Caesar’s” Theophulous replied frowning.
“Render therefore to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and to God the things which are God’s.”
One should have seen the look on Theophulous’ face when Jesus said this. Everyone was so sure they had trapped him.
As they turned back towards Jerusalem Malchus’ thoughts were in a blur. Who was this Jesus? Was he just another prophet, as in the times of old? Or was he a heretic, as the Pharisees said? Very soon, Malchus was about to find the answer, neither!
The week of Passover came with all its normal business for Malchus. Though he hardly had time to think, he couldn’t help wondering if Jesus was in the city. If I could only hear him once more, maybe I could discover the answer to my questions, he thought while he served Theophanous day in and day out.
“Boy, please go fetch me some fine grapes from Harvid’s. He lives on the east side of town. And be quick about it, Master Theophulous wants you to come with him somewhere tonight!” the cook ordered.
Malchus’ heart jumped at the thought. I wonder where? Malchus thought excitedly. He never takes me anywhere at night. As he hurried through the busy streets he bumped into Theophulous himself.
“Stop, boy, where are you going?”
Malchus mumbled something about getting grapes.
“Oh, well meet me here as soon as you can.”
Malchus just obeyed, he had learned not to ask why.
That very night Malchus followed Theophulous through dark alley-ways and streets. Very soon they met up with others. It seemed as though many were hiding something beneath their dark coats. By the time they reached the Mount of Olives there were at least a dozen men, plus more Pharisees.
Malchus spun around.
“Go up ahead and tell us where Jesus and his men are. But don’t let them see you.”
Malchus now knew what they were up to. To capture Jesus! As Malchus stealthy climbed the mountain his temples beat in his head and sweat started to his forehead. As he turned a bend he saw Jesus awaking some of his men. This was his chance to either warn him, or turn him in. He stood, trying to decide for a moment and then turned to walk back to the men. But every moment he seemed to think Jesus was looking his direction and could read every thought in his mind. When he turned around however none was watching him. Finally, he could take it no longer. He turned around and faced Jesus, allowing him to be seen. He ran up to him and kneeled down.
Jesus turned around and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Do you believe? Repent and turn, Malchus. I know your master hates you, but your bondage is up. I came to seek and to save that which was lost.”
“I will follow you,” was all he said in reply.
“Malchus did follow him, as he made his way to the group of men in wait for him, but he ran ahead to share his news of the Messiah.”
“Oh, stop,” they replied. “Are you going crazy too?”
Just then one of Jesus’ men, as they approached, saw the danger and drew his sword. Malchus looked stunned as he felt a pain on the side of his head.
But Jesus looked at him tenderly and touched his ear. “Permit even this.” and then to Peter he said,” Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”
That touch Malchus could never explain but he felt no more pain. He was healed!
“Whom are you seeking?” he asked.
“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied, shocked.
“I am He,” he answered.
At this, they all backed up amazed.
“Whom are you seeking?” he asked again.
“Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.
“I have told you that I am He,” He answered. “If you seek me, let these go there way.”
Malchus watched sadly as they took Jesus down the mountain-side. Had he lost the Saviour who just found him? But deep down he know, he just gained every-thing he ever wanted- and more, life eternal!