Jewel writes on many subjects including history, theology, music, virtuous womanhood, as well as commenting on current books she is reading. In all she seeks to glorify God and apply lessons from history to life in the 21st century.

December 31, 2011

The Purpose of History

"What is History?"
Good question! I had never thought about the word until a couple of years ago I was introduced to the idea of history actually being the sotry of our saviour. but think about it, since Christ didn't leave the world to fend for itself until his return he is governing it's every move. In fact, he has a purpose in everything that happens form the good to the bad. So the anwer is a resounding yes!
History-a bore?
For the first time in all history we all have more access to learn of our heritage than ever before. Anyone, at any time can type a few words into their computer and a whole host of imformation will come up within seconds. With cars and planes we can easily visit the very sites where world-changing events took place. Why, of all times, are most people bored in history class? is all they are learning dates and dead people in an evolved world of pure luck and chance? not wonder they're sleeping through history class! Whay others did in the past had no application to everyday life of ipods, TV, and itouches. Plus, they had no cool stuff like high powered sniper rifles that can shoot two miles or teloscopes that can see thousands of miles into space.
I like how George Grant describes the purpose of history. he says,
"God gives us glimpes of the past, that we might undersatnd the present, that we might have hope for the future."
Today's technology
When we study history we are showing that we care about our future. Since no one lives 500 years the only way we can make a difference in this world is by standing on the soldiers of those past us; learning form their mistakes and applying what they did well to our own life. The only reason we have the technology we have today is not because we are smarter or the "most evolved" people but because we have stood on the slodiers of giants.
God's gloru-the real reason to study history
But the real reason to study our past is because is reveals the glory of God. history is really His Story as we can cleary wee the amazing providences history is full of. Of course, we were never taught this in school because they don't want you to worship God. They want you to worship the state and that is exactly why the puplic schoold were created: to indoctrinate the next generation so we will have a country of Marxist state worshipers. And that is why they hate homeschoolers so much!
Bt back to the subject at hand, God is sovereign over every squre inch of dirt this world is made of. Some examples of this are the Batlle of Dorchester Heights, D-day, Midway, the Alamo, and many others!
The Two Cities
Because we are Christians we have a unique visage and overlook of what's going on around us. Instead of descending form premortla slime, we are made in God's image for a purpose. And so were our ansestors all the way back to Adam and Eve. Christians have never been lost in history. We know Christ is coming soon, though we no the exact timing. but apart form the final judgement, we have learned through history that God judges on nationwide scale, as well as on individual.
Therefore, throughout history we can witness the story of tow cities, two kingdoms. One is the kingdom of man. Revelation entitles it the beast. Tnis kingdom is ever seeking for more power and glory for itslef by means of top-down centralized systems. What happens to these empires? Well, think of Babel, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Britian, France, and the many other empires that fell throughout history.
The city of God, however, doesn't grow by force, it grows by faith. Even when it doesn't seem visible, it's still there. listen to what Calvin writes to the king of France.
"Both that the Church may exist without any apparent form, and, morever, that the form is not ascertained by that external splendor, that they (the Roman Catholic Church) foolishly admire, but by a very different mark, namely, by the pure preaching of the woprd of God, and the due administration of the sacraments. They make an outcry whenver the Church cannot be pionted to with a finger. But how oft waas the fate of the Church among the Jews to be so defaced that no comliness appeared? What do we suppose to ahve been the splendid form when Elijah complained of being left alone?
(1 Kings 19:14) How long after the advent of Christ did it lie hid without form? How often since has it been oppressed by wars, seditions, and heresies, that it was nowhere seen in splendors? But Elijah learned that there reamined seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal; nor we to doupt that Christ has always reigned on earth ever since he ascended to heaven. had the faithful at the time required some descernible for, , must they no forthwith given way to despondency?"
In conclusion, the psalmist states in psalm 78,
" but tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works that he has done...(so that they will) not be like thier fathers, a stubbron adn rebellious generation, a generation that did not prepare its heart, and hwose spirit was not faithful to God."