Jewel writes on many subjects including history, theology, music, virtuous womanhood, as well as commenting on current books she is reading. In all she seeks to glorify God and apply lessons from history to life in the 21st century.

December 31, 2011

Defying Egalitarianism by Biblical Daughterhood

More than writing books and sharing is the example we daughters give to the world by our lives. One godly young women I talked to recently gave me the following tips I thought I'd share to you sisters in Christ in waiting for a husband.
1. Seek the Lord. One of my favorite passages is Isaiah 56 where it says "Your Maker is your husband." No husband other than Christ can fulfill us. He only is sufficient.
2. Flourish at home. Let me break the news. You know all that laundry, cleaning, and cooking you're doing now? You'll be doing the same things when you are married. No Prince Charming is coming to bring you out of tedious housework...I'm sorry. Another godly lady I know sees her household as a career, an "executive homemaker."
What I mean is just as she would do her best for an outside job, she does her very best at home. Since you'll be cooking 43,800 of meals over 40 years of marriage, why not learn to do it better than your local chef? You're making more meals than her anyway.