Jewel writes on many subjects including history, theology, music, virtuous womanhood, as well as commenting on current books she is reading. In all she seeks to glorify God and apply lessons from history to life in the 21st century.

December 31, 2011

Important Events on Christmas

496, Clovis baptized by Bishop Remme along with 3,000 of his Frankish troops, after being influenced to Christianity by his wife Clutelda
800, Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1066, William the Conquer crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey
1197, John I of England born on Christmas Eve
1776, Washington crosses the Delaware and attacks an unsuspecting Hessian garrison in Trenton
1821, Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross, was born
1865, the founder of the Salvation army, Evangeline Cory Booth born
1868, Andrew Johnson pardons all Confederate soldiers
1926, Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan
1944, World War I soldiers hold a Christmas Truce between German and British regiments
1946, Jimmy Buffet born
1950, The Stone of Destiny (Scone) stolen by Scottish Nationalist students from Westminster Abbey
1991, Gorbachev resigns marking the end of the Soviet Union

Diem declectare, dieu laudes decorare