Jewel writes on many subjects including history, theology, music, virtuous womanhood, as well as commenting on current books she is reading. In all she seeks to glorify God and apply lessons from history to life in the 21st century.

December 31, 2011


I'm not the only one who tries to write poetry in my family. With my brothers budding and creative writing, we have a good amount of poetry laying around the house. Caleb showed me these poems he wrote and I knew I had to put them on my blog. They're great! You can tell we have a lot of interesting discussions regarding the war of northern aggression in our family!

It starts with Genesis
The first book of all
It shows God’s creation
And man’s sinful-fall.

It tells of a wicked earth
Sinful man, shedder of blood
It tells of God’s judgment
With a terrible, worldwide flood.

It tells of man’s crave,
Yes, crave for power
It happened at Babel
By building a tower.

God confused the languages
Right there and right then
He made different Nations
And changed the course for men.

Abraham and Isaac
Then Jacob his son
This was God’s people
When they first begun.

Exodus tells of Israel
When they were slaves
It tells of Moses
And the freedom God gave.

It tells of their journeys
Through the wilderness
The wandering people
God created to bless.

He gave them the law
So they might obey
And what they could do
So they could be saved.

Leviticus tells how
The ark assembled be
The tabernacle and lampstand
God to would see.

It also tells what we are to eat
And what we should wear
Laws for hygiene
He gave us to share.

Numbers counts
The number of men
According to the tribes
Their numbers have been.

Many for the Army
Many to be priests
To account for the people
And have the many feasts.

Deuteronomy tells
Much of Isreals history
How God led them into the land
Contented they should be.

But they soon found out
It was not like they thought
And 40 years in the wilderness
A punishment God brought.

Joshua tells of Israel
After Moses was dead
It tells of more journeys
And the mighty Joshua led.

It tells of the city Jericho
And how its walls fell
The crossing of the Jordan
Many a story it has to tell.

Judges tells of rebellion
And capture from the foe
It tells this story
So the children would know.

The story of Ehud
The dagger in his hand
To the story of Deb’rah
Conquering the land

To Gideon, God's man
Taking on the foe
Though the tide wasn’t pretty
And his numbers were low.

It would take a while
To name them all
Jepthah, Ihzan, Elon,
And then King Saul.

Ruth tells the story
Of one woman of God
Who chose to glean
Where the wheat was trod.

1st and 2nd Samuel
records history of the land
through battles and hard times
it shows God’s mighty hand.

Next comes the books of Kings
Some good, most bad
Some were pleasing to the Lord
And others made Him sad.

A whole bunch of history
The Chronicles do show
God tells of their failures
So that we all would know.

Ezra comes next in line
Building Gods holy place
Ezra told them why to build
So God would shine his face.

Nehemiah worked real hard
To build up the wall
But God lifted them up
After every fall.

Esther really showed some guts,
She told the king some news
She saved her struggling land
She told him she was a Jew.

Job was a rich man
Until God tested him
Satan took away his wealth
And tried to make him sin.

Job trusted in the Lord
And did not turn away
It shows that god will provide
If we trust and obey.

Psalms is the book of prayer
And cries to God alone
It also records praises
To God up on the throne.

God is our shepherd
Our strength and our might
God will defend us
And help us in the fight.

God answered his prayers
And helped him do right
God will also help us
And guide us towards the light.

Proverbs are wise sayings
To guide us on our way
Many words of wisdom
The writers have to say.

Vanity, vanity, vanity,
Vanity under the sun
Follow God when your little
You’ll continue till you’re done.

Song of Solomon
Shows God's way to wed
The way they did
Lover and beloved.

On that day we lost our country safe
As far as I can tell
We lost our freedom, family and faith
We lost the rebel yell.

We lost our states governing right
We lost it to the state
We lost it ‘cause we lost this fight
And now it is too late.

It’s what we said when we had lost
The War Between the States
Fought our hardest, paid the cost
Yet our freedom still abates.

The old south clings onto that sight
That someday they’ll be free
Not from slavery’s dreadful might
But northern tyranny.

We are still slaves yet to this day
Under governments hand
They’ll force us till they get their pay
We own no scrap of land.